
Linked Data Finland

Below you find examples of datasets (services) published by, arranged according to their application domain.


  1. Finnish Wikipedia as Linked Data (DBpedia). First publication of the Finnish DBpedia linked open data via a SPARQL endpoint.


  1. WordNet. Large lexical database of English with translations collected by the Open Multilingual WordNet Project.

Cultural Heritage

  1. MuseumFinland. The data behind the classic online application from 2004 that was rewarded e.g. the international Semantic Web Challenge Award.
  2. Semantic Kalevala and Folklore. Arguably the first publication of folklore as Linked Open Data in the world.
  3. Data from CultureSampo (Kulttuurisampo) (work in progress). Data from the CultureSampo application that got the Outstanding Paper Award 2011-2012 of the Semantic Web Journal.
  4. BookSampo (Kirjasampo). Data behind the famous collaborative Kirjasampo application of the Finnish Public Libaries that contains rich semantic descriptions of virtually all Finnish fiction literature.
  5. Mapping Manuscript Migrations (MMM). Disparate datasets from Europe and North America about pre-modern manuscripts as a unified knowledge graph. MMM Portal is built on this knowledge graph.
  6. FindSampo. Data on Finnish archaeological finds made by the public, based on the finds database by the Finnish Heritage Agency (2015–). FindSampo Portal is built on this knowledge graph.
  7. CoinSampo. Data on numismatic citizen finds reported in Finland in 2013-2023 based on data from the National Museum of Finland and the Finnish Heritage Agency. CoinSampo Portal is built on this knowledge graph.
  8. OperaSampo. Data on opera and music theatre performances in Finland 1830–1960 used in the OperaSampo Portal.


  1. World War I Linked Open Data. Result on an international collaboration regarding sharing data about war history.
  2. Finnish war victim databases published by the National Archives of Finland:
  3. WarSampo. Large heterogeneous sets of data about the World War II in Finland as linked open data. WarSampo (Sotasampo) portal is built on this data, providing different perspectives to war history.
  4. WarVictimSampo 1914–1922. The dataset combines information about the war victims of the Finnish Civil War (1918) and prison camps, the First World War, and Kinship Wars that took place around the same time, and also includes information on the civil war battles. WarVictimSampo (Sotasurmasampo) 1914–1922 portal is built on this data.
  5. BiographySampo. Data on approximately 13 600 people who are significant to the history of Finland from the 3rd century to the contemporary times. BiographySampo (Biografiasampo) portal is built on this data.
  6. AcademySampo. Data on approximately 28 000 university students from the Student registers 1640–1852 and 1853–1899 in the University of Helsinki Central Archives. AcademySampo (Akatemiasampo) portal is built on this data.
  7. ConfermentSampo. Data on approximately 1 200 people who have participated in conferments of the Faculty of Philosophy in University of Helsinki. ConfermentSampo (Promootiosampo) portal is built on this data.

Epistolary data

  1. CKCC corpus. 20,000 letters that were written by and sent to 17th century scholars who lived in the Dutch Republic.
  2. correspSearch corpus. Approx. 130 000 letters provided by print or digital scholarly editions of letters in the correspSearch system.


  1. Finnish Law as Linked Open Data (Semantic Finlex). Finnish Law and law cases available as (Linked) Open Data for the first time!
  2. LawSampo. Finnish consolidated legislation and case law as Linked Open Data.
  3. FinEstLawSampo. Finnish and Estonian legislation as Linked Open Data.


  1. ParliamentSampo. Debates and actors of the Parliament of Finland as Linked Open Data.


  1. Finnish Geographic Names. Information on 800,00 Finnish places translated into Linked Data from the registry maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland.
  2. Names Archive of the Institute for the Languages of Finland. Information on 2.3 million place name records from the Names Archive of the Institute for the Languages of Finland. The NameSampo (Nimisampo) service is based on this data and other place name datasets.

Linked Open Universities

  1. Linked Open Aalto. Aalto University's pioneering work in opening its data repositories as Linked Data for applications.

Linked Science

  1. Bird Observations of the nation wide Service. Collaborative citizen science data on the semantic web for applications, such as BirdWatch.
  2. Bird Observations of Halias Station with Hanko Weather Data. Exceptional dataset of systematic bird observations for ca. 30 years from the Halias bird observation station in Hanko linked with weather observation data.


  1. ONKI Light on SPARQL Ontology Service for thesauri. Large Linked Data collection of national thesauri developed into ontologies by the FinnONTO project 2003-2012.
  2. Agent Ontology. First attempt to create a shared national data repository of historical persons and organizations.
  3. Finnish Places as Linked Data. First attempt to create a shared national Linked Data repository of historical and contemporary places.
  4. POI ontology. First attempt to create a shared Linked Data repository of points of interest (POI)


  1. News Repository. Creating a shared media repository for Finnish news and other media content as Linked Data.


  1. Russarö Weather Data. Russarö Weather Data in RDF format using RDF Data Cube Vocabulary.


  1. Digital Russia Studies: Governmental open data. Ontology of open government data sources in the Russian Federation.