Instructions for Publishing Your Data at

Linked Data Finland is a Living Lab research prototype aiming at supporting research and innovative use cases of Linked Data. The the service is free of charge and is provided as-it-is basis without any quarantees.

Follow the steps below in order to get your data published as a Linked Data service at :

Step 1. Send a short application

Send a motivation email to the Team where you explain 1) what kind of data you would like to publish and 2) why is this data needed, i.e., how are you or others planning to use the data.

We will inform to you shortly whether the publication is possible.

Step 2. Make the data available to us for upload

If we agree to publish the data, send or make the data and possible schemas available to us for uploading them into the service. The data must be in RDF format. You can use an RDF validator to check the data is indeed correct.

Step 3. Provide the service description of your dataset dataset services are available through the dataset homepages that are generated automatically based on the metadata of the datasets published. Needed metadata include, e.g., the name and a short description of the dataset, license info etc. The metadata is represented using the W3C Service Description recommendation.

Here you find an example service description that creates the Finlex homepage . From there you can see how the metadata is rendered in the final homepage. Copy the template, and fill in your metadata by replacing Finlex-specific parts with your own metadata, and send the file to us.

Step 4. Enjoy your dataset

We will let you know when the data is ready to be used.

If needed, ask the team for help.